554579 - Bunbys Wild Ride - Created by Commanderdemon
Recorded times for : 554579 - Bunbys Wild Ride
Runner | Runner PB | Total play time | Total deaths | Minimum clear deaths |
Description of that level
it's a wild ride indeed
kaizo hell is included for masochists and idiots alike
kaizo hell is included for masochists and idiots alike
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Last Levels uploaded by : Commanderdemon
Level Id | Level Name | Best Time | Likes / Dislikes | Plays / DL | Difficulty | Length | ||
557082 | 5 6 |
22 | Very Hard91% | Short12 |
554579 | 14 3 |
56 | Kaizoish98% | Classic32 |
554570 | 11s500 | 27 1 |
92 | Very Easy7% | Very Short2 |
554127 | 1m 48s883 | 3 4 |
21 | Hard63% | Very Short8 |
542513 | 11s935 | 22 3 |
55 | Very Easy3% | Very Short1 |
500299 | 8 0 |
36 | Easy25% | Classic27 |
500138 | 2m 4s274 | 4 1 |
22 | Easy26% | Short12 |
440330 | 52 7 |
140 | Very Easy5% | Very Short7 |
440113 | 24s616 | 9 4 |
34 | Very Easy0% | Very Short3 |
400776 | 1 1 |
11 | Removed | Very Short4 |